Keyword analysis in a foreign language

Keyword analysis is the basis for any successful eshop expansion abroad. An indepth analysis provides important information on how foreign customers search for your products and services on the Internet. This helps to precisely identify which foreign language keywords to target and what improvements are required.

Excellent keyword analysis as a basis for successful eshop expansion abroad

If you have already undertaken a keyword analysis, we will use this as the basis for an indepth analysis in the selected foreign language. If you do not have an analysis, we can create it for you directly in a foreign language. We undertake keyword analyses in German, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian and in the languages of other countries to which we help eshops expand.

The output of a professional keyword analysis is a document that contains the following information:

  • a list of keywords relevant to your eshop and industry
  • keywords used by your competition in the selected country
  • keyword search volume
  • keyword relevancy
  • degree of keyword competition
  • keyword search position
  • average cost per click (CPC)
  • recommendations on what other keywords to focus on

“At the beginning of our eshop expansion into Hungary, NK Expand prepared a detailed keyword analysis for us. Thanks to this, the translations of the texts and the wording of our PPC advertisements corresponded to Internet searches in Hungary from the beginning, and sales by our eshop reached over CZK 5 million in the second month after launch.”

Co‑owner of e‑shop selling furniture and home furnishings

Keyword analysis workflow

The keyword analysis workflow is complex and involves the work of an SEO specialist and a linguist who is a native speaker of the selected foreign language. It includes the following steps: 

  1. Data collection – collection of background queries relevant to the client’s field and business. When collecting data, we work with tools such as Google Ads, Ahrefs, Marketing Miner, Similarweb, etc.
  2. Data mining – determination of search volume, relevance, competition degree and other metrics for individual keywords.
  3. Data revision and cleaning – elimination of irrelevant queries or queries with negative connotations in the given language.
  4. Data categorization – classification of keywords into groups, usually according to the product structure at the eshop.
  5. Data finalization – creation of an output document (usually an Excel workbook) and interpretation of the data for easy understanding of the results and for working correctly with them.

In the last step of the process, which involves interpreting the information obtained, comprehensibility is key. Only then will you know how to work effectively with the keyword analysis. You can then use it from the very start of your planned eshop expansion into a new country, as well as in the future. 

How to make the most of a finished keyword analysis in a foreign language?

The document containing the keyword analysis highlights the most appropriate phrases to use for your eshop and includes materials that form part of your marketing strategy. The uses of a keyword analysis are broad and do not only cover the initial phase of eshop expansion abroad. On what occasions might you use it?

  • SEO translation and localization of an e‑shop into a foreign language – sensitively and appropriately implemented keywords form the basis of a welltranslated and localized website and eshop. This is the only way to make the texts attractive to search engines, resulting in being at the top of the rankings.
  • Online marketing – keyword analysis is essential when it comes to designing landing pages, optimizing a website and eshop for search engines (SEO), designing PPC campaigns or creating texts for the web (copywriting).
  • Content marketing – the identified search patterns (how people create search engine queries) come in handy when creating a blog, identifying target groups in a selected country and developing content strategies.
  • User experience (UX) – an analysis will also provide you with valuable information for assigning landing pages – when creating or expanding the structure of your eshop or optimizing the eshop’s userfriendliness.

Examples of the practical use of keyword analysis

Example 1 – Expansion of Czech e‑shop with interior fragrances into Germany

  • Keyword in Czech: difuzér
  • Keyword in German (standard version): Diffusor
  • Keyword in German (non-standard version based on English): Diffuser

Conclusion: The grammatically correct translation of the Czech word “difuzér” into German is “Diffusor”. This term has a search volume of around 12,100 in Germany. However, keyword analysis showed that Germans are much more likely to look for the grammatically incorrect term “Diffuser”, which originates from English. It has a search volume of around 40,500. When localizing the eshop into German, a term with a significantly higher search volume was logically used in accordance with the company’s SEO strategy.

Example 2 – Expansion of a Czech e-shop selling air conditioning units and air purifiers to Germany

  • Keywords in Czech: klimatizace (air conditioning unit), klimatizační zařízení (air conditioning equipment)
  • Keyword in German: “Klimagerät”, “Klimaanlage”

Conclusion: The terms “klimatizace” and “klimatizační zařízení” can be translated into German in two possible ways. While the term “Klimagerät” has a search volume of 74,000, the term “Klimaanlage” has a search volume of 165,000. More than twice as high. When localizing the eshop into German, both terms were used, but we adjusted the frequency of their occurrence to the search volume and significantly more often preferred the search term “Klimaanlage”.

It simply isn't possible without keyword analysis

Carrying out an in‑depth foreign language keyword analysis is a complex and time‑consuming process. It consists of a number of steps in which an SEO specialist, linguist, editor and coordinating project manager work closely together. The resulting data are segmented according to the structure of the e‑shop so that the use of the analysis is easy and clear. The keyword analysis report includes interpretations of the results so that they are understandable for e‑shop operators, PPC/SEO specialists, copywriters and other users of the analysis.

Investing in a foreign language keyword analysis quickly pays for itself if used correctly. It ensures the better placement of an e-shop in search engines, higher e‑shop traffic and better visitor/order conversion ratios. A professionally conducted keyword analysis in a foreign language is therefore a necessity for the successful expansion of an e‑shop abroad.

NK Expand has long specialized in foreign language keyword analysis. Contact us for more information.



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