E‑shop trustworthiness analysis

Start investing in online marketing and paid traffic to your eshop only after you are satisfied that the eshop is trustworthy for customers abroad and they will buy from it. Or do you need to discover the reasons for low conversion rates for an eshop that has already been launched? An eshop trustworthiness analysis can help you!

Final check before launching an e‑shop abroad

You have taken pains to analyse your keywords in a foreign language during an SEO translation, consistently implemented keywords in all texts, including metadata, localized the terms and conditions, opened a bank account abroad, connected payment gateways, trained foreign language customer support,… and now you want to make sure that everything is perfect and your eshop looks authentic. It is precisely for these cases that we offer an eshop trustworthiness analysis!

“Thanks to a trustworthiness check, we discovered a large number of shortcomings when we launched our eshops for Germany and the UK that would have discouraged our customers from placing an order. We were surprised at how many untranslated software texts, SEO inaccuracies and useful tips for incorporation in the business terms and conditions were reported to us by NK Expand during a check.”

Owner of a Czech e‑shop selling fishing tackle

Procedure for preparing e‑shop trustworthiness analysis

A trustworthiness analysis is usually the last step before a live e‑shop is launched abroad. It comes after completion of an eshop SEO translation and other related work and also before you launch paid online marketing and foreign language customer support

The trustworthiness analysis for your eshop will be done by a native speaker of the relevant language who is also a representative of your e‑shop’s target group.

This gives you a relevant and independent view of your eshop from someone who knows the local cultural environment and shopping habits of online customers in the country.

The analysis itself covers a visual inspection of the e‑shop, focusing on the following activities:

  1. We go through the e‑shop’s most visited pages (homepage, product categories, about us section, etc.) and at the same time we randomly click through products across the entire eshop. During this check, we simulate the process of product selection by a visitor to the eshop.
  2. We make a test order, which we let go through, including related email communications. During an order, we check the purchasing process to make sure it corresponds to the local environment.
  3. We check correct displaying and wrapping of texts on web pages, graphic elements, context and the overall layout of pages.
  4. The output of a trustworthiness analysis is a report on necessary adjustments, which we will send you for implementation. This step takes place on your side, although our translation team will be available to answer any questions or to resolve any ambiguities.

Benefits of trustworthiness analysis for an eshop

  • You test a new language version of your e-shop before starting to invest in paid PPC campaigns.
  • You get an independent view of your e‑shop and how it works from a native speaker who is also a representative of your target group in the relevant country.
  • You reduce the risk of launching an eshop that looks inauthentic and foreign, and that local customers don’t want to buy from.
  • In the change report you get a lot of interesting tips for improving your eshop. We know from experience that a report contains many original suggestions that our clients appreciate.

Only trustworthy e‑shops have a chance of succeeding abroad

Preparing a highquality trustworthiness analysis is a complex and demanding process. Its preparation requires careful selection of a native speaker who belongs to the eshop’s target group and is familiar with the products offered. Only then can we arrive at recommendations in the final report that are relevant and beneficial for an eshop.

The investment in an e‑shop trustworthiness analysis is low and you get a return very quickly in the form of higher visitor/order conversion rates.

Specialists at NK Expand have long specialized in trustworthiness analyses of foreign language e‑shops. Contact us for more information.

We provide trustworthiness analysis in these countries


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