How we helped an international online bookstore with creative SEO translation
If you hold international ambitions for your online shop, you will undoubtedly need SEO translations that are adapted to the target country and the target group of the online shop.
Read how we approached the localization of the original written texts of the Libristo online shop for their expansion to Croatia and Bulgaria.
Libristo is the largest international online bookstore. Here you can find almost any publication that comes to mind. Libristo Media operates its bookstores under two separate online brands. They are present in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary and thanks to NK Expand, in Bulgaria and Croatia.
Why the name “Libristo”? The answer is easier than you might expect. In the universal and easy‑to‑learn language Esperanto, the word Libristo means “bookseller”. The reason why Libristo chose the name in Esperanto is the international factor that connects the two.
Main advantages of the Libristo online shop:
- cheap delivery and simple returns policy
- purchasing process adapted to the country in which the customer is shopping
- huge selection of foreign language literature available in more than 30 languages
- fully localized, so customers can shop in their native language
- customer support in the customer’s native language

When even SEO translation is not enough
Our main task for Libristo was to localize the online shop into Bulgarian and Croatian. However, this is not nearly as easy as it might seem. In addition to the SEO translation and adaptation of the texts to the specific customs of both countries, we also had to determine the appropriate tone‑of‑voice for the brand and convey this in the target languages.
The copywriters really spent a lot of time on the original texts to be translated. The results of their work were original, creative and readable texts.
The client’s wish was to receive similarly excellent texts from us in Bulgarian and Croatian. How did we handle this assignment? We extended the localization process with so‑called creative proofreading, whereby SEO translation is followed by a trans‑creation phase. In this phase, the linguist is given a relatively free hand to change the text so that it sounds as natural as possible in the target language.
What was the result? Take a look at specific examples where you can see for yourself the result in Croatian. For greater clarity, the examples are listed in the following order: Original text in English → Creative adaptation of the SEO translation → Back translation into English.

Specific examples of SEO translation and creative proofreading
As we promised, we have prepared news from the world of books. → Kao što smo i obećali, pripremili smo vam novitete iz čarobnog svijeta knjiga. → As we promised, we have prepared news from the magical world of books.
If you don’t mind, here’s a little present from our book garden. → Imamo za vas na dar svježe ubrani naslov iz našeg knjižnog vrta. → We have a freshly picked title from our book garden as a present for you.
5+1 books that will literally sweep you off your feet, and a present for you. → Knjige 5+1 od kojih ćete doslovno ostati bez daha, i uz to poklon. → 5+1 books that will literally take your breath away, and a present for you.
Avada Kedavra. Here’s something to read while drinking sayonara. → Abrakadabra. Dar za dva oka hrabra. → Avada Kedavra. A present for two curious eyes.
How about having a look at some of our new titles on offer? → Što kažete na nove naslove iz naše ponude? Nešto vam je privuklo pažnju? → How about some new titles from our range? Something caught your eye?
Reading a good book is the best way of being offline! → Najbolji način kako biti offline je uz dobru knjigu! → Being offline is better with a good book!
How long has it been since we last saw you? → Koliko je vremena prošlo od našeg posljednjeg susreta? → How much time has passed since our last meeting?
We’ve managed to bring you a fruitful selection. → Predstavljamo vam plodove našeg truda i pažljivog odabira. → We present you the fruits of our labours and careful selection.
We decided to magic it up for you. → Odlučili smo se da vam ga stvorimo uz malo magije i čarolije. → We decided to create it for you with a little magic.

Good online shop localization requires professionals
Despite the fact that the assignment from the client was demanding and the expectations were high, thanks to careful preparation, a well‑thought‑out approach and experienced linguists, the work was successful. The creative proofreading of Croatian texts for the Libristo online store turned out to be excellent. We are now looking forward to cooperating on the further expansion of the Libristo brand to other countries.
Case studies

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